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Chester House

Neurobehavioral Program

People with brain injury experience changing emotional and psychological states that can hamper rehabilitation or truly contribute to its success. Residents recovering from brain injury must be continually monitored and supported by trained neuropsychologists. The Chester House program also aims to give the resident the skills needed to self-regulate and deal with frustration and even set-backs with reduced professional intervention.

Chiropractic Treatment
Each resident at Chester House is assigned his own neurobehavioral team whose responsibility it is to:
  • Perform comprehensive assessment and develop individual goals and program for each resident. Program options include individual counseling, family counseling, specific social training programs and controlled community integration.

  • Outline specific  measurements that will form the basis of program evaluation and adjustment.

  • Be prepared for crisis intervention and the adjustment of programs during crisis periods.

  • Develop an active program that involves the resident’s family. Train family members to understand the behavioral challenges facing their loved-one and the changing psychological dynamics experienced by TBI residents. The Chester House program helps family members learn when they can help with additional support, when letting the resident to work it out for himself is the best policy and when it is necessary to seek professional help.

  • Look for ways to adapt the resident’s environment to reduce stress and improve behavioral functioning.

Seniors Socializing

Special Needs Assisted Living

Happy Elderly Couple.

Advancing the Science of Alzheimer's Care

Cheerful Seniors

Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Programs

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