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Opportunities in new development require an outstanding site with high visibility and desirability, that is either already owned or can be acquired at a considerable discount. The advantages of new development remain that you can tailor your facility to your market. It is possible to identify a niche market and/or offer a continuum of services including dementia care, adult day care and on-site healthcare. Finally, affinity marketing should be sought whenever possible.

MJM believes that an in depth market analysis is the essential first step towards the successful development of any human services facility. Product selection and pricing must be determined before facilities are designed or capital budgets created. With the final product and financial goals clearly in focus, MJM will assist an owner to efficiently accomplish each phase of the development process. We coordinate the development effort, collect material for bids, verify references, make recommendations based on our operating knowledge and help the owner reach decisions in the most efficient manner.

Seniors Socializing

Special Needs Assisted Living

Happy Elderly Couple.

Advancing the Science of Alzheimer's Care

Cheerful Seniors

Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Programs

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